Friday, May 6, 2011


  • sell the house
  • do the laundry
  • get Jim's graduation stuff ready
  • sell the house
  • work and earn money
  • watch Trevor's volleyball games
  • sell the house
  • take Mae to the fabric store
  • let Owen have a friend over
  • sell the house
  • prepare to move
  • fulfill church responsibilities (a little low on the list, but I have easy tasks)
  • exercise!
Well, in the midst of all this, and concurrent with financial considerations for traveling, we opted to cancel the trip to the fun run in Charlotte this weekend.  Oh well. It would have made me tired anyways. And spending money isn't even on the list of priorities--so I'll stay here and exercise when I can fit it in.... Notice that the main priority is to sell the house. So we have more to do to make that happen, and this weekend will be a chance for us to do some more clearing out and cleaning. Priorities! First things first!

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