Saturday, November 27, 2010

What new things can I do?

staircase photo from, NOT my staircase, but isn't it a beautiful entry?!

Every once in awhile I ask myself what new things I can do since Guillain-Barre. Let's make my list from the past few months:

  • Owen says I am conscious more of the time! So true.
  • I can do dishes (stand at the sink, putter around the kitchen).
  • I can go up and down the stairs multiple times a day--it's like getting in a workout, not killing my energy for the day.
  • I can drive just fine. I still like using cruise control since my gas pedal leg is the weaker one, but I can totally do it.
  • I can jog. Legs still stiff-ish and leaden from the knees down, but if I'm well rested and keep my head, I can run a little bit a couple of times a week, albeit slowly!
  • I can go to work. Really...I can do all I need to as an Emergency Room RN. IV's, no problem (well, no more than the usual difficulties!), walking all shift--even the occasional 12-hour one-okay. I still only work maybe part-time hours, but this is just fine for me and my family.
So what do you think of that? For me, this is progress, and I like that. I hope other patients experience similar improvement over time.

Speaking of other patients...I have found another blog I like at It is informative, and the gal who authors it has had a great recovery. Admittedly I found her link on the facebook GBS group. I just can't get into facebook on a regular basis, but it does have an amazing ability to connect people.

Also from the facebook GBS group, I found this quote, GBS also stands for "Getting Better Slowly." For sure! And for some more than others. To everyone, GBS patients or not...let's keep a goin'!

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