It has been a long year. Quieter, calmer, and more reflective than years past.
- I can walk well
- Lower legs feel heavy, but are usable
- Still no deep tendon reflexes
- Feet still tingly and numb
- Fingertips tingly (tip of tongue, too)
- Endurance much better
- Balance better, still a little more wobbly than my 41 years
- Working some-less than before, but getting back
- Exercising is great (30+ min. w/heart rate up!) at YMCA doing elliptical, bike or treadmill, some swimming, even walking with a bit of jogging outside!
- Soft things are my favorite: blanket, scarf, socks and the stuffed animals the kids share with me
I still take time to rest every day to save energy for the necessary stuff or things I really want to do. Wade does more dishes and can fix dinner at the last minute on days I run out of steam (fewer and fewer, though!). The kids have learned the real meaning of nerves on edge, and other nerve related sayings. I have my moments of overload, but everyone is forgiving and patient.
I love my family and can't say enough about how their love and support is the greatest thing. Mom and Dad, siblings, dear friends, extended family and especially Wade, Jim, Trevor, Mae, and Owen--thanks!

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