Saturday, January 16, 2010

Two great examples

Did you know Rowdy Gaines had GBS? I didn't until I was looking for an online version of a recent recoveree. I remember his name from the 1984 Olympics--he was a swimmer. And he won gold medals (wow!). Anyway, in the 1990's he had GBS and was investigating the LDS church. Story here.

Then here is the article I was looking for in the first place. I asked my young son to read the paragraph describing the onset of symptoms and he recognized those as GBS. The article is about a high school athlete recovered from from GBS in time to play his last year of football. Part of his recovery was shooting baskets and playing basketball. How fun is that?!

1 comment:

Amy D. said...

Trevor's YMCA swim team had Rowdy Gaines come give a motivational speech last year. Wow. That is cool.